Go to https://ad-optimizer.metoda.com
Click on the "Campaigns" section in the sidebar on the left.
Campaigns can be edited at any time.
You have 3 options, depending on how many changes you want to implement and if they are similar:
- Case 1: update one single campaign by clicking on the respective field in the table and adjusting it. This option is recommended if you only want to implement a low number of changes.
- Case 2: select several campaigns and use the bulk actions menu to implement the same change for all selected campaigns at once. This is recommended if you want to change multiple campaigns, but the same setting should be adjusted, e.g. the same End Date should be set for all selected campaigns.
- Case 3: export the campaigns, adjust the settings in the Excel file and import it afterwards. This is recommended if you want to implement diverse adjustments for many different campaigns.
Case 1: Updating one single campaign by clicking on the respective field in the table
Simply click on one of the blue fields in the table that you want to adjust, for example, the end date:
A pop-up window opens, and you can select the end date for that campaign. This works similarly for all other editable fields (Enabled, Campaign, Portfolio, Goal, Targeting, Start (date), End (date), Category & Tags).
Please note: certain fields can't be edited at all, this includes campaign type. If you would like to change the type, you need to create a new campaign instead (and pause the existing one).
Case 2: Updating several campaigns via the quick actions
Select all the campaigns you would like to edit at the same time. Tip: combine several filters in order to identify all the campaigns you would like to edit, e.g. Enabled= true, Campaign type = SP, Portfolio = m_test5, m_test33 and then select all the results. Click on "Filter by" to select the filters.
Click the top box to select all campaigns that are displayed. At the bottom, below the table, you will see how many campaigns you have selected. Please note that not all results may be displayed on the first page. Then adjust the number of results per page at the bottom of the table (bottom right).
Select one of these bulk actions, insert additional input where necessary, and your changes will be implemented for all selected campaigns. Please find definitions of the bulk actions in the table below:
Bulk action | Further input needed | Impact |
Enable | no | Campaigns will be activated asap |
Pause | no | Campaigns will be paused asap |
Re-submit (for rejected SB only) | yes: adjust the fields that led to the rejection of the campaign | You will be directed to the creation flow, pre-filled with the SB data of the selected rejected campaign. Adjust all fields that are responsible for campaign rejection (e.g. headline, logo) |
Copy | no: an exact copy of your campaign will be created | The copy feature allows you to copy a selected campaign with all its settings including the targets, bids, and daily budget limits that have been adjusted by our algorithm, so that you get an exact clone. You can then edit the copy, change the campaign name, portfolio, start and end date or modify the targets after initial creation. |
Copy as a draft | yes: adjust the fields you would like to adapt | You will be directed to the creation flow, pre-filled with the data of the selected campaigns. Everything that was changed (e.g. ASINs, headline, logo) will be reflected in the new campaign. It is important to know that in this case, bid settings and targets as well as daily budget limits are not copied. |
Change Portfolio | yes: select new portfolio | The portfolio is changed to Amazon. This changes the budget available to the campaign. |
Add positive targets* | yes: keywords, products or brands | Positive keywords can be added to keyword campaigns, products to product campaigns and brands to category campaigns. |
Add negative targets** | yes: keywords, products or brands | Use for blacklisting in order to make sure that your ad will not be displayed for irrelevant search terms, brands or product detail pages. |
Remove targets | yes: keywords, products or brands | Remove positive / negative keywords, products or brands from campaigns. |
Change TACOS | yes: new Target ACOS | TACOS will be set to the new value |
Change start date | yes: new start date | Changes the start date |
Set end date | yes: end date | The end date will be set for all campaigns. The campaigns will run until (and including) that day. If you want to pause a campaign immediately, set the end date to yesterday. |
Remove end date | no | All end dates will be removed, meaning that campaigns will go back live asap. |
Change Category | yes: new category | The category will be overwritten with the new value. |
Add tags | yes: new (additional) tags | New tags will be added in addition to the existing ones. |
Remove tags | yes: select the tags you would like to remove | The tags will be removed from all campaigns. |
*Additional possibility to upload important keywords manually (white listing). Limited to 1000 keywords/campaign, and each one of them may not exceed 4 words. They need to be separated by pressing enter.
Use broad match for lose targeting, meaning the keyword needs to be included in the consumer's search term.
Use phrase match for more precise targeting, meaning that the exact order to the keywords needs to be included in the consumer's search term.
Use exact match for highly precise targeting, meaning that the consumer needs to search exactly what you have defined as a keyword.
**Use for blacklisting in order to make sure that your ad will not be displayed for irrelevant search terms. Limited to 1000 keywords/campaign, and each one of them may not exceed 4 words. They need to be separated by pressing enter.
Use exact match in case you want to exclude the exact search term.
Use phrase match in case you want to exclude all search terms that include the negative keyword.
Case 3: Campaign updates using "Import"
Start with the "Export in bulk import template" in the campaigns table. Tip: combine several filters in order to identify all the campaigns you would like to edit, e.g. "Campaign type = SBA, Management option = Full support" and then select all the results.
Of course, you could also simply export all the campaigns, do your adjustments (also only to a sub-set of the campaigns) and import the file again. Any campaigns that were not touched will remain as they are.
Please note that the export includes a dedicated Campaign ID. It is used to identify that specific campaign (this is more reliable than just using something like a campaign name). If you want to create a new campaign (e.g. in a new portfolio), that ID needs to be deleted. If you want to edit a campaign, never delete this ID.
Now, it's up to you to insert your changes to the following columns:
- Campaign Name
- Portfolio name (It is possible to change the portfolio. However, for a better overview it is our best practice to create a new campaign)
- SKUs (Seller only)
- Start Date
- End Date
- Metoda campaign category
- Metoda campaign tags
- Target harvesting
- Negative keywords
- Negative products
- Negative brands
- Positive keywords
- Positive products
The following columns cannot be edited in the Ad Optimizer. If you want to adjust these nevertheless, you need to copy the campaign, edit it and pause the old one (this is explained in further detail in the second section of this article). Certain parts can also be customized in the Amazon Console.
- SP
- advertised ASINs
- Targeting type
- SB
- Landing page type
- Landing page link
- advertised ASINs (can be updated in the Amazon Console)
- Logo image (can be updated in the Amazon Console)
- Custom image ( (can be updated in the Amazon Console)
- Headline (can be updated in the Amazon Console)
- Brand name (can be updated in the Amazon Console)
- + SB (store spotlight)
- Brand store link (Main page)
- Store page links (can be updated in the Amazon Console)
- Store page ASINs (can be updated in the Amazon Console)
- Store page display names (can be updated in the Amazon Console)
- + SB (store spotlight)
- SD
- advertised ASINs
- Logo Image (can be updated in the Amazon Console)
- Headline (can be updated in the Amazon Console)
- Custom image (can be updated in the Amazon Console)
Click on "Import" at the top of the page.
Upload the file.
In case something had not been filled in properly in the file, you will receive an error excel indicating which adjustments are necessary.
Case 2: Changes of portfolio, landing page, ASINs, images, Brand name
For other adaptions listed below, the campaign needs to be stopped, copied, updated and submitted as new campaign:
- Portfolio name (It is possible to change the portfolio. However, for a better overview it is our best practice to create a new campaign)
- Landing page type
- Landing page link
- Targeting type
Step 1: Pause current campaign
To pause the current campaign, just set an end date or use the "Pause" functionality in the bulk actions menu. Choose "yesterday" to pause the campaign immediately, or set any other day you wish the campaign to end.
Step 2: Copy current campaign
In order to copy an existing campaign, please select a non-rejected "Full support" campaign by ticking the check-box on the left, open the bulk actions menu (little arrow next to the select all functionality) and click on the button "Copy" or "Copy as a draft".
Please note that only one campaign at a time can be copied and only non-rejected campaigns can be copied. Campaigns with status "rejected" cannot be copied but need to be resubmitted (for further information refer to How to resubmit rejected Sponsored Brands).
Step 3: Adjust campaign
If "Copy" is selected, the campaign will be copied as it was. The portfolio can be changed.
If "Copy as a draft" is selected, you will be redirected to the Campaign creation flow. There you can make all the desired adjustments.
Below is a link to an overview of all campaign types and how they can be created.
Please note that Amazon reviews all Sponsored Brands and Sponsored Displays, and therefore, they might get rejected. Please check whether your copied campaign was approved by Amazon on the day after creation.
Please note that all keywords and bids will be copied from the previous campaign. If you do not want this to happen, create an entirely new campaign instead of copying.