When creating new campaigns, they are reviewed by Amazon to check if they are aligned with their creative guidelines. If the campaign does not meet the guidelines, it will be rejected. Rejected campaigns are displayed in the Ad Optimizer with the status "Error". 


Option 1: adapt the campaign in Ad Optimizer

You can adapt the campaign's creative right in Ad Optimizer. Simply click on the campaign name, which opens the Campaign details. Edit all fields that might cause campaign rejection (e.g. headline non-compliant to Amazon's guidelines, images or logos non-compliant to Amazon's guidelines). Upon saving the new version, a new version of the ad is created in Amazon Console, and this one will again be reviewed by Amazon's Ad Moderation team. The moderation proces can take up to 48 hours. Check the campaign's status in Ad Optimizer again, to see if the campaign was approved upon the next attempt. 

Option 2: adjust the creative in Amazon Console

Open the campaign in the Amazon Console and click on the Ad group.

Click on "manage creative" in order to adapt the creative.

The version of the creative that has not been approved is displayed. You might also find hints on which part of the creative got rejected. 

The creative can be edited.

In the Creative Manager, you can see why the creative was rejected. In this case, the headline is in the wrong language. 

Open the headline tab. The headline can now be edited.

Amazon specifies exactly what the issue is. 

Once the adjustments have been made, the creative can be submitted for review. 

The adapted creative will be automatically updated in the Ad Optimizer within six hours (upon next download of all campaigns).