This release allows you to manage campaign targets directly from the Ad Optimizer frontend, including the ability to pause, enable, or archive targets. The target list in the "Customize" modals now includes all harvested and manual user targets for targeting types Keyword and Product. For targeting types Amazon Auto and Category, you can manage your manual negative targets.*
To enhance the clarity of the target list, users can switch between 3 tabs to show either all targets, or only harvested or manual ones. The target list includes two new columns “Status” and “Source” that can also be filtered. With inline editing or bulk actions, the status of one or more targets can be changed at a time. Archiving a target prevents it from being re-harvested if target harvesting is enabled. Please note, that this action is irreversible. To reactivate an archived target, simply add it again.
*We are currently working on the possibility to allow you to customize your category targets as well.