Sponsored Display Custom Image Creatives can be created and edited again. The new formats "Square Image (1:1)", "Horizontal Image (1.91:1)" and "Vertical Image (9:16)" are now supported when creating and updating campaigns in the Ad Optimizer frontend and via bulk import. 

Bulk import

The bulk template for creating and updating campaigns has been modified. For SD (image) campaigns, it now contains three columns for custom images, with one column per format. If a custom image is to be displayed, an asset ID must be entered in each column. The same ID can be reused, but it can also be different ones.

Important note for all bulk imports:

Please be sure to use the latest templates for all bulk import processes in the Campaign Manager, as new columns and features have been added. The import process no longer supports the old files and will result in an error.


When adding a custom image, it will automatically be used for all 3 formats. You can use the "Replace custom image" menu to replace the images for each individual format, allowing you to use up to 3 different images per creative.