In this article, you will find an explanation of how to set up SBA Video campaigns.

Here you can find how to set up SBA Product Collection campaigns

Here you can find how to set up SBA Store Spotlight campaigns

Sponsored Brands (Video) cannot be created via the metoda Ad Optimizer at the moment. Nevertheless, the Ad Optimizer can optimize bids based on a Target ACOS for these campaigns. The campaigns need to be created via the Amazon Advertising UI (Amazon Advertising Account). 

The following 7 steps are required to set up a Sponsored Brand (Video): 

Step 1: Go to campaigns, click "create campaign" and select "Sponsored Brands".

Step 2: Enter campaign name, start date and optionally an end date, and the daily budget in the budget settings.

Campaign names need to start with “m_” in order to be optimized by metoda. Also, choose the portfolio (which needs to be created via the metoda Ad Optimizer beforehand).

Step 3: Select format (Video) and promoted ASIN.

Select advertised ASIN (only one advertised ASIN possible, as opposed to other Sponsored Brands formats).

Step 4: Provide your ad creative (video) and upload the file.

Video specs

Aspect ratio: 



1280 x 720px, 1920 x 1080px or 3840 x 2160px

File size: 

500 MB or smaller

File format: 

MP4 or MOV


6–45 sec

Frame rate: 

23.976, 24, 25, 29.97, 29.98 or 30 fps

Bit rate: 

1 Mbps or higher


H.264 or H.265


Main or baseline

Video stream: 

One only

Audio specs


Must match ad locale

Sample rate: 

44.1 kHz or higher



Bit rate: 

96 kbps or higher


Stereo or mono

Audio stream: 

One only

Text specs

Font size: 

Must be legible on mobile


Must match ad locale

Safe area: 

No text in bottom-right corner


In case your video does not meet Amazon's technical requirements, the ones with issues will be highlighted in red in the error message. 

Step 5: Select your targeting 

You can choose between keyword and product targeting. You need to enter all keywords or products manually (the Ad Optimizer will not add any of these automatically). If you are unsure which keywords or products to target, you can check the well-performing keywords in existing Sponsored Products for the same or similar products. 

Step 6: Submit for review 

Step 7: Set Target ACOS in the Ad Optimizer

The campaign will be shown in the metoda "Ad Optimizer - Campaigns" section 24 hours after campaign creation latest - in many cases, this process is also a lot faster. 

IMPORTANT: Add the Target ACOS of the campaign in the metoda Campaign Manager ( once the campaign is shown there. If no TACoS value is set, the campaigns will be paused automatically.

IMPORTANT NOTE: setting a budget period in the respective portfolio is the necessary requirement for your campaigns to be delivering. Otherwise, the campaign does not have any budget to be spent.