This is a short guide to help you grant access to a new colleague to your existing metoda workspace.

  1. Log into your account with your credentials 
  2. Click on "My Profile" and choose "Workspace" (the circle in the upper right hand corner with the first letters of your name)
  3. Search for the correct workspace where you want to invite new members
  4. From this space you can: 
    1. Invite a new owner:
      • Click on the 3 dots in the Owners section
      • Click on the "Invite owner" button
      • Fill in the Email of this person
      • Confirm by clicking on "invite"
    2. Invite a new member (without owner rights):
      • Click on the "Invite member" button 
      • Fill in the Email of the person, select the app and choose the appropiate metoda role (click here to find out which one). Once done, click invite - your colleague will receive an invite to join your workspace.